
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Dove All Women's Blogger Meet

Not so recently(last month) I attended all women’s blogger meet organised by Dove in association with Indiblogger. And oh boy, oh boy,……… it was so much fun!
I must be the last blogger to post about it, but i do have a good excuse :D i couldn't find the USB cable for my camera.

We were also given Dove hampers(which I am loving btw). Will be reviewing them soon.

The meet was organised in “Four Seasons-Worli,”, and thank you Priyanka for taking me with you, i will forever be in your debt. (do check out her blog she is one hell of a writer)
Here are some pictures of the awesome meet to make you girls jealous .. hehe..


  1. That seems sooo exciting!! It must feel so thrilling, running into all these bloggers, who's blog you've read, and then meeting them in person...quite an experience. Also, it gives you a chance to make lots of new freinds, who share the same hobby/passion as you, and maybe even get a word out about your blog ;)

    There will obviously be nothing like that where I'm staying. Ohh well, got a few months left til I leave, and maybe then I can attend such fun events!

    Anyways, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. What did you wear there? Because everyone would wanna make an impression there I suppose...

  2. aww.. finally you wrote about it :D
    I just entirely forgot :( (guilty as charged)

    That day was awesome:)
    The event was super organised and meeting you was the highlight of the day :D
    I'm so glad to have met you:)

    I wish you all the luck and love in life :)
    and you did not have to mention the ride here silly..
    You can treat me for a coffee sometime and share a lot of gossip to even things out !:D

    Love :)

  3. hey the pics looks nice..luv the cake/mousse!

  4. Looks like you had good time.

  5. Wow!!! You are so locky. Unfortunately all the bloggers' meet happens in either mumbai or in Delhi. So, I neevr got the chance to make it to there :(

  6. @Segments of Life- It was great fun Fatema. I got introduced to alot of bloggers.
    Everybody was dressed casually.
    Infact there were only two Beauty/Lifestyle bloggers,including me!
    Its funny that you asked what i wore, cuz i had somehow got feviquick's cap stuck to my dress at the event.
    *sigh* story of my life.

    @Priyanka- Glad to have met you too sweets!!

  7. I and Riddhi had registered and were going to come..but she had some issues and I also dropped the plans :( looks fun..U had a great time I guess..

  8. looks like such a great event, lucky you ;-)

  9. Thanks for your comment
    loveeeeee your blog
    I follow you

  10. the blue ones shown in the last pic would be stockings! i was just showing that for the length of what to wear on top.
    things that cover ur fet would be stockings. ending at the ankle are leggings.

    i dunno how tall u are..but leggings generally make u look longer so i prefer flats with them since it looks cuter.
    but for a special occasion heel would look nice

  11. Lovely Blog :) xx
    A new follower from, would love if your follow me back on my blog too <3 <3 <3 xxx

  12. This looks like soooo much fun!! Such a good way to share ur passion and make new friends! I love the choc milkshake/mousse with the cake! so cute!
