
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

GingerSnaps turns one!

Welcome to GingerSnaps’s Birthday Bash!!
Grab some drinks and make yourself comfortable girls!! (If you are a guy, I am really not judging you, you can watch some cricket in that corner, okay?)
So as I was saying, on this day, one year ago, I wrote my first post on GingerSnaps about -Bodyshop Japanese Cherry Blossom Body Mist. I remember when I used to click pictures of Nailpaints & Hair Masques, and my mother used to shake her head with a worried look on her face. I think I have almost made her understand about blogging, almost.
One year anniversary also reminds me that I should finally write in the about section what my blog is actually about.. Hehe.. For me GingerSnaps is like one of those things, If you do not ask me I know, If you ask me I do not know.. J I would update with a formal, boring, uptight description of GingerSnaps later, but honestly, this blog is about EVERYTHING. Everything that makes me “khush” in the “dil” everything that I want to share with the blogosphere. And this totally is the kind of blog where if you don’t know how to take things with at least four pinches of salt, don’t even bother reading.
*gets a little emotional*
What a wonderfully amazing year this has been. Through the world of blogging I have gotten to know some of the most incredible, beautiful, sexy, witty people, and learned a thousand little amazing things. And I wanted to thank all the readers, and fellow bloggers from the bottom of my "khush dil".
*sees that people are getting impatient and are stealing glances towards the dance floor*
Ummmm…. Okayeeee……. Now let’s get this party going ladies… wohoooooo….
*breaks some moves to “Moves like Jagger”*


  1. @ Indgal ,@ Kejal - Thank you ladies :D

  2. Congrats!:)
    Surprisingly, it has taken me only 4 months to make people understand why I blog and since, most of them believed I was a nut, they take it in a stride.weird, right?!

  3. I come bearing lush goodies :) Happy first gingersnaps!! Lets blow out the candle and hit the dance floor, let the virtual bash begin!!!

  4. I think our blogs are twins! Happy birthday to our blogs Heheh.
    Yayy!!!!! *does little crazy dance*

  5. hehe :) Happy 1 year Anniversary to Gingersnaps...~Love Heather

  6. ohh congrats!
    Am a new follower.. started following very recently :)

  7. Thanks for the invitation! Yes, I am hitting the dance floor! :D Happy 1st Birthday to your lovely blog! *takes a snap with ginger* ;) xx

  8. congrats! happy birthday

  9. Hey Happy BirthdayyyyY!!!! *Joins you on the floor for Moves like Jagger*..lala love that song!!!! <3

  10. Love the post and your cute blog!


  11. Hey Happy Birthday...Cupcakes tastes divine and m loving this virtual party here so much ...hitiing the dance floor!!

    Lots of wishes for more successful years ahead!

  12. Congratulations. Hope to see more and more interesting posts in the future.

  13. congrats for turning 1 ! Love yr blog , keep up the good work !

  14. Hello Karishma...
    A very happie happie wala budday to your blog :)
    & thank you so much for dropping by my blog and leaving your lovely comments,means a lot to me.
    Am following you now...
    I remember when I started blogging some months back, people (i.e. some of my friends ) thought it to be a total waste of time writing so called "unnecessary" things but its me who knows how much it has helped me to grow into a better person.

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog, thought i would show some love and follow you back :)
    Happy 1st Birthday to your blog, its almost my blog birthday,in about a month :)

  16. Hey congratsss..and Happy Bday to ur blog :))

  17. awww... HAppy bday to your blog !! Wish u many moree : )

  18. aw hunny!! I have only just joined the blogging community and started reading ur blog but your message is just so sweet I almost wana cry lol! Your so right...our blogs are pieces of our hearts and our love which we try to share with the world in the hope that maybe they might like it too and it just feels so good when you get a little comment or tweet! Happy blog-iversary!!

    p.s. I love ur 'Big Books'...I cant lie! lolz

  19. Hey I came across your blog today-and found it's your blogs Bday!!!!! Happy Birthday to Ginger Snaps!!! And I am your new GFC follower :)

  20. Heartiest congratulations on your blog turning 1 girl.Your blog looks fresh and stunning as ever.
    Hope your this year will be more merrier and your blog rocks and gets known even more ;)

  21. Congratss honey <3 Happy Birthday!!!!!!
    All the best for the furture!!!

  22. Congrats Hun and Happy Birthday <3

    Do check my blog ,

  23. Happy Birthday :) Where is the treat ?? ;)

  24. Hey Congrats Gal :D Keep up d gud work :D

  25. Congratulations and wish you loads of more beautiful success as you are:-)

  26. Happy Bday, here's to a whole lot more..

  27. A nice picture, like your blog!
    If u can, visit:
    See ya!

  28. Thank You, Thank you, Thank you ladies for all your wishes, I really appreciate it!! :D

  29. Congrats! Will go thru your entire blog when I'm free. This is like stumbling on a good thing by chance - me loves <3

  30. I totally know what you mean about the mom thing LOL but congratulations! I sure hope I will be as good blogger as you are! Keep up the good blog! ;)
