
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saturday confessions: Of neglected secret diaries

That is the first page of my abandoned secret diary.

When I was leaving Dehradun, I locked all my secret diaries (I had many) in a cupboard and gave the key to my niece, Pinky. I bestowed on her the responsibility of keeping my diaries safe, and that on the event of my untimely death, to burn them (I think I really said that.)

You would think that with the dramatic guidelines that I gave my niece, some deep, dark, Pretty little liar type secrets would be concealed in the pages of my diaries. Eh.. nothing of that sorts. But of course the diaries are interesting to me. With little titbits of my daily life so long ago, about the days when not completing my homework used to give me sleepless nights and 12:30 am was the time I used to wake up till to feel like a rebel.

In my diaries, I found pieces of me that I had not met in a long time. A highly ambitious 10 year old kid. A very much lost 15 year old teenager. And a ridiculously hopeful 17 year adolescent.

The diaries! I had more little diaries that cannot be found now.

This is a walkie-talkie me and my friend Varsha had made!

Here is an unedited quiet embarrassing excerpt from my diary when I was 10, in murderous English:

Dearest Diary,
Today I got 36 in Lit and 41 in Hist. Today I wrote a recipe of Mango Ice cream from News Joy in Library. Today in Games sir scolded me. I don’t like that sir. He is bad and Dhira
(She is one of my best friends today) was laughing at me. Today when Dhira was passing notes to me a boy called Shashank got them. In that note it was written ***** (I would rather not take the girl’s name..hehe) loves K. And he telled that to K and many other boys. K is like Archie he has affair with 3 girls. Yesterday my didi had bought Audio Cassettes they are with my faverate songs. Today my paper was great but their was one mistake in it. Today I essuied a book called “Captain Underpants and the talking toilets” its good. Now I have read 17 novels. Now I have to study.

Don't worry about hurting my feelings, please laugh all you want to. Believe me, I am laughing with you.


Do you spill your thoughts in a diary habitually, or do you have neglected diaries stashed in some forlorn corner of your room?



  1. Hope 1 day i will read your diary after your permission..:-)
    <3 <3

  2. Aww..its such a cute post :) Reminded me of my diary keeping days :)

  3. Awww, that was adorable!! :D

    Mom always managed to find my diaries and after a point I realised it wasn't worth the trouble :/

    1. Hehe.. even I have peeked into my sister's diary when I was little ;)

  4. This was soo interesting! I had a diary once. which my mom layed her hands on lol. Never wrote after that.

    1. Now I only write in password protected Word documents :)

  5. Hahah this is so damn cute :)

  6. So cute...I had started a diary when I was in 5th or 6th. didnt write regularly tho.

  7. Hey Karishma! I loved this post and omg, I used to also writing diaries avidly from 14 years of age till I turned 18/19. And you have inspired me to go back to my locked diaries and look at them now. I am sure to have a good laugh or be astonished at some of my ramblings. Love it :)

  8. awww... this post is so sweet. I still write diaries and keep them locked up in my cupboard.

  9. Baby its so sweet..

    do you remember the cd of valentine's songs you gave..I still love those songs..:)

    1. Diksha I absolutely do not remember that! But how sweet of me :D

  10. ....................blunderfully wonderfullll :D

  11. haha..soo cute! I write diaries too. from standard 6 or 7 till masters final year i have written 12 diaries approximately :P
