
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Saturday Confessions: 5 Totally Pointless Things About Me - Part Deux

As  "5 Totally Pointless Things About me" was such a hit *swag* I decided to follow up with a part two for the regular readers of my blog (yes, I am talking to both of you.)

1. When I was a kid, I went through a phase where I used to make my mother watch advertisements in a very irrational sort of way. I used to run to her, make her stop doing whatever she was doing, and force her to come with me and watch advertisements. Don't you just love these quirky little things about your childhood.*laughs uncomfortably and looks around* Anyway moving on..

2. At any given time I have more than 5-6, sometimes even 15 windows open on my laptop. I most probably have ADHD.

3. I am a little scared of Dobermans. And it is weird because I am someone who LOVES dogs. I am the girl who tries to feed Parle-G biscuits to very disinterested street dogs. (Seriously what's up with Mumbai street dogs? They never eat plain biscuits.) So I was saying, that I am afraid of Dobermans , maybe because of the fact that when I was a kid and had to cross a lane to catch a Vikram ( I am assuming you guys know what a Vikram is. It is not a boy's name.) there were two vicious Dobermans that used to bark at me ferociously, every frigging day.

4. Don't freak out or anything, but I have still not watched "When Harry Met Sally." Hold your horses, I'll probably watch it this week.

5. I am having major trouble with homophones these days. So please bare bear with me if you find me tweeting about Tailor Swift or how great my weak seams to be going. Big B was so very right when he said English is a funny language.

So, what have you been up to?


  1. Haha, no.5 is a funny one! Oh btw, watch When Harry Met Sally - It's adorable :D

  2. Awwh ! Your such a doll K <3 You are not alone even I havent seen When harry met sally yet :) Wish you stayd close by we cudve watched it together :D
    xoxo <3

  3. what u didnt see When Harry Met Sally? You need to watch it today!!! reading the post! so fresh and simple!
    and while reading i realised i had 12 windows open on my lappy:).. hehehe..have gr8 sunday!!!

  4. cute article!:) I love dogs, but I'm also kind of afraid of dobermans, though my friend's doberman is a real sweetheart♥:)

  5. Loved ur #5 ! I totally agree with the tabs/windows count :)
    I have problem with long words like 'mischievous', 'definitely', where there are a lot of 'e' and 'i'( be it together or not) !
    I once tried to watch Harry met Sally, but I couldn't get past even the first 10 minutes..even after being a fan of Meg Ryan, I could withstand Billy CrystaL.(To me, actors DOES matter :))

    1. Oh.. And my friend told me that 'HumTum' has been inspired from When 'Harry Met Sally.'

  6. For a minute I thought Vikram was your crush. We all have our pointless things.

    1. A Vikram is a six passenger public transport vehicle that is quite common in North India.

  7. cute little thing this post is.

  8. Ah, these things about us! I am sure we all have it hidden :)

  9. soooo cute Karishma :)
    my confession - i haven't watch Harry met Sally too :p *kill me*

  10. *laughs uncomfortably and looks around* LOL :P

    I Actually Still Do That Sometimes :-/
