
Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Neville Mendonca shares his views on Mad Max: Fury Road,
 the fourth film in
George Miller's post-apocalyptic franchise.

If you have seen the marketing for Fury Road, chances are you might have seen the line "From Mastermind George Miller". If you dismissed this as them being too over indulgent, then you are wrong, my friend. Way wrong. 

Fury Road is hands down the best movie of the year for me, and probably one of the better action movies to come along in a while. The movie is basically a two hour chase sequence. The chase starts almost immediately, and once it does, it does not relent. It is visually marvelous, very immersive and at the higher end of creative genius. Miller is a visionary with just too much imagination. The first hour of the movie is breathtaking and the other is heart-stopping. The action sequences are like a massive train hurtling on the rails at full throttle. 

Charlize Theron owns the role of Imperator Furiosa, easily over shadowing Tom Hardy and every other character in the movie. Tom Hardy also superbly held his own, with minimal dialogues channeling Mel Gibson's rage in the fight sequences, especially at the climax going absolutely berserk along with Theron leaving me with a loss for words as to how amazing she was.

This movie is an amazing superlative experience, giving us the high octane stuff we crave for from most movies but are almost always let down. Fury Road delivers this in spades, with its high octane action, sweeping directorial abilities, cinematography, Junkie XL with a brilliant soundtrack and a simply brilliant Theron and Hardy. 

1 comment:

  1. i want to watch this movie..i really loved the trailer..
